Gay Lundin
The clown, magician and fire eater GAY LUNDIN, alias Gajoni, has been active within the realms of circus, variety show, theatre and television for more than 45 years. Among the places where he has worked can be mentioned:
Institutet för scenkonst (The Institute for the Performing Arts), the Circuses Schreiber, Wictoria, and Filiokus, Théâtre de Carouche Geneva, Pistolteatern, Uppsala Stadsteater (The City Theatre Uppsala), SVT (Swedish Television), Varieté Vaudeville and Varieté Rhodin & Bornemark. In addition, Gajoni has toured schools and hospitals for UTAS Teater and he has taught Theater at Cirkusgymnsiet i Gävle (Circus High School in Gävle).
Between 2012 and 2020, together with Leif Olberius Gay was responsible for “Trollerikrogen” (“The Magic Tavern”) on the m/s Amorella sailing between Sweden to Finland, then performing 26 different clown productions on the theme “magic”.